The goal of the Store Manager Trainee Programme is to train you to to be able to lead one of the United Kingdom's JYSK stores in the near future

The programme is varied and has a good combination of theoretical training modules, as well as practical training in our stores. Between the training modules you will work full time in a selected store and put your learnings into practice. Overall the trainee programme consists of high-quality training within leadership, management tools and store operations. In other words, you will be equipped with the knowledge to select and lead a strong team, run a store with excellent results and always be ready to ensure that our customers have the best experiences with JYSK.

As a Store Manager Trainee, you will work and learn in close cooperation with other trainees, trainers and experienced mentors. This means that you will become part of a fantastic community with a high energy levels and commitment.

Become part of our team and create your future with us as Store Manager Trainee at JYSK!
